Wednesday 16 January 2013

7 Miles Walk & Right Hip

Last week was spent recovering from a lingering cold (which is still causing a sniffle) and giving my right abdominal muscle strain a chance to heal. So, I missed the gym and pool and didn't get out much.

On Sunday, I was feeling much better in terms of the head cold. The weather was dry and calm so I headed out for a walk. From the outset my right hip hurt. The pain originated in the right butt, on foot strike, and then started to refer to the upper/inner thigh and then into the groin/front of hip. However, I really wasn't going to take any notice of it as I felt full of beans and glad to be doing some exercise at long last!

All in all, I walked for over 2 hours and went more than 7 miles. Apart from the painful hip (which only got worse as the walk went on), it felt great. I had energy and the whole thing felt invigorating rather than draining. I was really chuffed.

On Monday, I restarted the right hip physio stretches and strengthening exercises. I figure I really need to give them a good go before going back to the physio or GP. I'm determined to keep them up for another 6 weeks and then reassess.

I missed the pool again this week (yesterday) because the abdominal strain is still there. I might try a gentle gym session on Friday to test it out. In the meantime, I'm doing some gentle daily ab strengthening exercises when I do the hip physio. Hopefully, that'll get it going in the right direction.

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