Friday 23 November 2012

Left Shoulder Assessment...Again

Made it to the pool this week and did my usual 26 lengths (650 metres), alternating breast stroke and backstroke. I'm not sure it's getting any easier but I do feel a sense of achievement once it's done. My head felt pretty tired the following day (I was typically short-tempered etc) but physically, I felt 'ok'. No gym today. I made an appointment to have my 'frozen' left shoulder assessed by a very good physiotherapist.

The physio tested the shoulder and nerves thoroughly and came to the conclusion that, essentially, the front of the shoulder had tightened up substantially. The nerves and all other structures need mobilising and lengthening. He said that my rotator cuff strength was good (which I was really chuffed about). The shoulder is no longer (if it ever was, which I doubt it!) frozen. It needs some work so he's writing to my GP to get a referral on the NHS for some physiotherapy. Hopefully, that will sort it out. Superb! I am really chuffed. I was concerned I'd need to see a specialist in London and have all sorts of nerve tests and scans and perhaps an operation.

Everything that the physio said rung true with how I experienced the 'freezing' of the shoulder. I always felt it was nerve related. The exercises that the NHS physio got me to do 4 years ago were way beyond what my shoulder could manage, and was used to, and the nerves got incredibly irritated, causing the shoulder to 'spasm' and seize up. It's been a case of trying to help the nerves and soft tissue release, lengthen and strengthen ever since!

The physio did some work to release the left side of my neck and stretch the nerves there. He then moved on to stretching the front of the shoulder. I have a feeling it's going to be painful later. At the moment, I've got a heat pack around my neck and feel a bit faint and nauseous from the treatment.

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