Tuesday 16 October 2012


Yup.....4 years I've been at this rehab thing. Not got the optimism or motivation to reflect on that today. Just heard from ATOS (DWP benefits assessors) that I've been called for a medical assessment. I've heard so many horror stories about them that I am absolutely dreading it. Gutted.

Ok, so did 26 lengths (650 metres) of the pool last Tuesday and today. Skipped the gym on Friday as I was away visiting family. Last week's swim felt easier than this week's. I guess I'm in real need of encouragement and should get myself along to the physiotherapist. Maybe next month, once this ATOS thing is done.

Man! I wish I didn't need to depend on government benefits. I hate it! I hate the constant uncertainty - you never know when they'll change things or stop things and the first you hear about it is when you check your bank account. I hate feeling like I'm a scrounger or somehow don't deserve the help. I'd give anything to be healthy enough to work for a living!

Not a good day....

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