Saturday 3 December 2011


A juvenile Great Northern Diver which has been in Bucks for the past week or more. A real treat and a new species for me.

This will be a short entry. I'm worn out. Might add or edit it later.

Anyway, missed the gym last week as I had family staying. Back at the gym yesterday. Added in some running at the start of the work out. I want to see if I can force this right upper thigh/groin/glute/hip problem to resolve. Conservative methods don't seem to be working so I thought that perhaps trying something new might work. I basically did my usual session but left out the leg/hip work and did 17 mins, 2km, on the treadmill instead. I did the run/walk method: run 90 secs, walk 90secs. Walking@6.5km/hr; running@10km/hr. It felt good but the right hip muscles/soft tissues from the right lower ab, down through the joint were problematic. Took painkillers last night. It's sore/achy/tight today. Plus, I am absolutely drained.

The upside was that the run warmed up all my muscles (shoulders/arms/abs) for the weights so the range of movement was easier. Unfortunately, the muscles were also weaker/fatigued.

Will leave it at that. Too knackered to write/think anymore.

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