Saturday 11 December 2010

Quiet Week

No bird picture today (the light has been awful) - instead, thought I'd post a picture of my latest creation (?!) from my pottery class. It's hand-built using coils, in red terracotta clay, biscuit fired and finished off with beeswax.

It's been a fairly low-key 10 days in terms of rehab. The weather has been freezing cold/icy/snowy etc so I've not really wanted to go out on long walks. The hospital gym session was cancelled on Tuesday cos the physio was off sick. I improvised at home and felt suitably achy afterwards. Plus, this week, I had a friend coming to stay whilst she did a course in London, which meant I kinda had to save my energy for that.

The LHS lower back tightness/pain has continued but I'm hopeful that it will eventually settle down once the hips/pelvis get a bit stronger. My left shoulder has been particularly achy/painful and is also causing pain down my arm and through the hand. I shall be so pleased to get back to the pool and swimming after Christmas!

P.S. For any Open University friends who read this blog, I have finally been cut off from FristClass access after 2 years of not studying. If you'd like to get in contact, feel free to leave your contact details (email address) in a 'comment' and I'll delete it when I moderate it (all 'comments' remain private until I authorise/moderate them), thanks!

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