Saturday 14 September 2013

Catch Up! Pilates & Hip

I can't believe it's a month since I last updated this blog!

Since last posting, I've had 4 more equipment Pilates sessions and a taster mat session yesterday. Overall, the Pilates has been a real revelation and I'm hoping it's going to take me further forward now with the rehab. The focus has shifted from general conditioning and strengthening to now recruiting the right muscles, at the right time, for the right job. It requires more brain engagement and co-ordination and feels extremely beneficial. My restricted, painful left shoulder is a hindrance at times, because I can't get into the various positions, but otherwise, I'm coping well.

In terms of how challenging the Pilates feels, it depends on the session. Sometimes, I come away and feel like I've barely done anything, which can feel frustrating and disappointing. Other times, I feel as though I've been put through my paces. It's a different sort of mindset to the gym work. At the gym, I liked to feel like I'd raised my heart rate and pushed myself to the limits on the weights but with Pilates, it's more about controlled breathing and controlled movements that aren't necessarily testing a muscle to its limits.

A couple of weeks ago, I saw the consultant orthopaedic person about getting my right hip MRI'd. I was in and out in 5 minutes. His verdict: he didn't know what was wrong with it and therefore couldn't MRI it because they wouldn't know what they were looking for! He suggested that I avoid aggravating it (which would entail lying flat and not moving!) and wait for it to "get better". After managing this for 5 years, I was, well, disappointed but not surprised. The NHS really don't seem to want to help me. My issues seem to be too complex and don't fall into the "torn tendon" and "pulled muscle" category. So, that was that. This week, I've taken painkillers every night to be able to sleep with the right groin/butt pain.

My right inside knee strain/pain is still around and I've tried to be careful when swimming. I took a week off, which did help, but I probably should have taken two. To cut back the amount of breast stroke I do, I have started to swim a bit of front crawl, breathing to the left (because I can't breathe to the right due to the restricted left shoulder). I don't really like doing a lop-sided stroke (you should really breathe to each side on front crawl otherwise you develop an uneven muscle system) but it's saving my right knee at the moment.

This week, I have felt wiped out. No idea why really. Hormones, maybe. Who knows. But I've felt drained, headachy and not wanted to do anything other than the rehab stuff. I've received the latest ATOS assessment forms to fill in....again. It feels like only yesterday when I last did them!

At the beginning of October, I have an appointment with the ENT specialist to sort out my ears. I've not regained the hearing in my left ear and we need to find out why.

That'll do for today's update...